Gum Disease Treatment

By board-certified periodontists

Welcome to REGEN Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, your preferred choice for comprehensive gum disease treatment in Allen, TX. Led by our board-certified periodontists, our clinic is known for delivering exceptional, personalized periodontal care, rooted in advanced techniques and technology. Our goal is not only to treat the symptoms of gum disease but also to address its root cause, promoting optimal oral health and preventing future complications. Trust your gum health with our experienced and dedicated team, and experience the difference we can make in your oral and overall wellbeing.


Now, let's delve into understanding periodontal (gum) disease, why it's essential to treat it, and the range of services we offer to combat it.


Understanding Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease, is a prevalent oral health issue caused by the continuous buildup of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria on our teeth. If left untreated, advanced gum disease, or periodontitis, can lead to tooth loss, primarily due to its detrimental effect on the tissues and bones supporting your teeth. With almost half of the adults over 30 in the United States affected by chronic periodontitis, understanding, preventing, and treating this condition is crucial.


Alarmingly, gum disease often progresses unnoticed due to its typically painless nature. Regular dental checkups and periodontal examinations are, therefore, essential in identifying and treating this condition early on. Key warning signs include easily bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, loose teeth, changes in the way your teeth fit together, and alterations in the fit of partial dentures.


The Importance of Treating Gum Disease

Addressing gum disease is not just about preserving your oral health—it's a matter of your well-being. Research has linked periodontal disease with several other chronic inflammatory conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Moreover, untreated gum disease can lead to complications in controlling blood sugar levels and may even increase the risk of pregnancy complications. Therefore, a proactive approach to your periodontal health is vital.


Gum Disease Treatment at REGEN Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

At REGEN Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, our treatment strategies are tailored to the specific type of disease and its progression.


Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment: Our first line of defense includes procedures like scaling and root planing (deep cleaning). This meticulous cleaning of the root surfaces eliminates plaque and calculus from deep periodontal pockets and smoothes the tooth root to remove bacterial toxins. Depending on individual cases, this treatment may be followed by additional therapies such as local delivery antimicrobials, systemic antibiotics, and host modulation.


Periodontal Pocket Reduction Procedures: For patients with periodontal pockets too deep to clean with regular oral hygiene, we may recommend a pocket reduction procedure. This process involves folding back the gum tissue to remove disease-causing bacteria. In certain cases, we also smooth irregular surfaces of the damaged bone to reduce areas where bacteria can thrive, ultimately helping maintain a healthy oral state.


Periodontal Maintenance: Once diagnosed with periodontitis—a chronic disease—it's essential to adhere to a periodontal maintenance regimen. Performed at approximately three-month intervals, our comprehensive maintenance program includes deep cleaning, pocket depth measurement, and periodic X-rays to monitor gum and bone loss progression.


Periodontal and Bone Regeneration: Bone loss, a common consequence of gum disease, can be reversed in some cases through bone or tissue regeneration techniques. We're committed to preserving your natural teeth wherever possible and, if required, we perform gentle, minimally-traumatic extractions with bone grafting to protect the supporting bone and tissue.


Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP): As part of our commitment to utilizing advanced techniques for optimal patient outcomes, we offer the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) for treating periodontal disease. This FDA-approved protocol involves the use of a specific wavelength laser to selectively remove diseased gum tissue and harmful bacteria from the periodontal pocket. This state-of-the-art method not only results in minimal pain and discomfort but also promotes the regeneration of periodontal ligaments, connective tissues, and bone, helping to preserve your natural teeth. Moreover, LANAP requires no cutting or sutures, ensuring a faster recovery time compared to traditional surgical procedures.



At REGEN Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, we combine our expertise with advanced techniques to provide superior gum disease treatments. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation and protect your oral and overall health today.

Case Gallery

Gum Disease Treatment in Allen, TX

Examples of successful guided bone regeneration procedures preparing for future implants. Note the initial extremely thin ridge that would be unable to support an implant. 6 months post-procedure, observe the significant gain in bone mass, preparing the sites to host implants.

(These images feature actual patients treated by Dr. Ling and Dr. Tai. All rights reserved. Please note that individual results may vary based on specific patient conditions and treatment plans.)

Sinus Lift at REGEN Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

At REGEN Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, our board-certified periodontists, Dr. Ling and Dr. Tai, specialize in performing sinus lift procedures to facilitate successful dental implant placement. Here's a detailed walk-through of what to expect during this process.


Consultation and Evaluation

The first step towards your sinus lift procedure is a comprehensive consultation. This appointment includes a thorough review of your oral health history and a discussion about your treatment goals and expectations. Using advanced 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), we'll evaluate the state of your sinus and jawbone. This detailed analysis aids us in formulating a personalized and effective treatment plan.


The Sinus Lift Procedure

A sinus lift, or sinus augmentation, is a procedure that aims to increase the height of the upper jawbone in the area of your molars and premolars. This additional space is created to accommodate dental implants. On the day of the surgery, you'll be able to choose from various levels of sedation, or opt for no sedation, based on your comfort and the complexity of the procedure.


During the procedure, our periodontist carefully lifts the sinus membrane and may insert a bone graft material into the newly created space. This bone material provides a robust foundation for the implant, enhancing the success rate of the implant surgery. In some cases, when conditions allow, the dental implant can be placed at the same time as the sinus lift procedure.


Post-Operative Care

Following the procedure, we will arrange a follow-up appointment within 1-2 weeks to check on your healing and address any queries or concerns you might have. We'll provide you with explicit post-operative care instructions, including advice on oral hygiene, diet, and prescribed medication, to support a swift and comfortable recovery.


Dental Implant Placement

The grafted material will integrate with your natural bone over a healing period that typically spans 4-9 months. After ensuring that the site has healed adequately and the bone is well-prepared, we will proceed with the dental implant placement. The time frame for this stage can vary, taking into account individual healing rates and specific aspects of the procedure.


Restoration of the Implant

Once the implant has successfully integrated with the bone, you will be referred back to your general dentist to complete the final restoration - the placement of the artificial tooth or teeth. If you do not have a general dentist, we will gladly recommend one from our trusted professional network.


At REGEN Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, our core values include patient-centered care, proficiency in advanced technology, and excellence in the field of periodontics. We are committed to providing effective solutions to improve your oral health and confidence.

To explore more about sinus lift procedures and how they can benefit your dental health, feel free to reach out to us.

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